Drinks in the Garden
Joan writes: Fiona’s talk of ‘Midsummer’ has brought it home as to how quickly this year seems to be passing by. Perhaps it is the strange time we are currently living in, with regular ‘time-mapping’ events knocked for six. Or maybe it is the uncannily fab weather we are enjoying.
Not even at the 21st June, and my bedding plants are in full bloom, veggies coming on a treat (based on my above ground analysis) and particular seeds which I planted on 13th March (my college lecturer will be so proud to know that his mantra has stuck with me to “label, label, label”) are now coming to fruition. The seeds I refer to are nasturtiums, borage and courgettes. Whilst they all have their own specific reason for being in my garden, they share the trait of producing edible flowers, which I always enjoy during the summer months.

Fast forward 3 months.
Nasturtium, Borage and Courgette flowers
All 3 are special, but I guess I am drawn more to the Borage – simply because it is one of the true blue flowers that we have in our gardens.
And for that reason, I am going to harvest these delicate little blue blooms, make ice cubes with them and save them for special ‘drinks in the garden’. My ‘Lockdown Let up Drinks Do‘ I’ll call it.
How to make these inspirational indigo inked ice cubes? Have a look at : https://gardentherapy.ca/flower-ice-cubes/#:~:text=Start%20by%20filling%20up%20the,fill%20the%20ice%20cube%20trays.
Happy Gardening! Joan