Bring on the Zing
Joan writes: May (quickly followed by September) is my favourite month. The fresh hues of green growth, buds in abundance and still a crispness to the morning air is how I would describe our last month of the recognised season of Spring. April 20th and it already feels a lot like May to me.
My ‘back garden’ is still a works in progress but I do have my 3m x 3m front door raised planter that I can play in. There is a beech tree overlooking my front door unfurling its new tissue paper-like leaves as I type, competing impressively in the zingy lime colour stakes with the winged spindle (Euonymus alatus) and Berberis thunbergii Kelleris growing in the planter. The experience is almost hallucinating in the morning sunshine. What’s not to like!
Given today’s date, I wonder if this means that I get to enjoy a 41 day month of May this year? That would be worth staying at home for. What’s caught your eye?
Happy Gardening! Joan