Our First Post

Previously being someone who worked from home, I initially didn’t think the current guidelines would have too big an impact on my homeworking environment. But that was because I didn’t think through to the end of the scenario.
I now have two other adults filling their time in MY space which has prompted me to spend more time outside of MY space. I’m lucky that I can do that. I live in the Ayrshire countryside, with neighbours close by that we can maintain a consistent social distance without any onerous effort and well, guddling in the garden is my thing.
Trellis is Scotland’s therapeutic gardening charity – we are the experts in adaptive gardening techniques supporting folks to access gardening activities in very many varied settings. I have shared and learned much from the many projects, staff members and volunteers that I have had the pleasure of working with over the years. Couple this with a bit of a blank canvas of a garden that we started to claim from ‘field’ last summer, I have plenty to be getting on with.
With contributions from the posse of Trellis Princesses, we hope to deliver a dialogue from our garden spaces over the coming weeks whilst we play by the rules, hunker down and ….. probably do a lot of weeding!
We would love to hear what you guys are doing – please share photos too if possible!’