In the beginning

Joan writes: Sweet Peas are one of my favourite summer annual plants. My granny grew them by the zillions and the fact that I was allowed to pick as many as I wanted (the more you harvest, the more they flower), enthused me even more. 

Climbing up most anything that they can get their tendril hold onto, they are a welcome cheery and (nice) smelling addition to an outdoor space.

Sweet peas can be sown in Autumn to get a head start the following Spring or directly outdoors late Spring.  I feel it is still far too early for me to be doing that here in a dreach, rather cold inland Ayrshire, so I’ve opted to sow them in seed trays, germinate them indoors then gradually introduce them to life outdoors. Ne’er cast a cloot, and so on.  Which has just made me think.  Life for us is very different at the moment. As far as I can tell, Mother Nature is oblivious to covid-19, and she’s getting on with business as usual. 

Sweet Pea Propagators

Looking for a silver lining, our local recycling service has been scuppered temporarily due to covid-19 which fortunately has left me with a glut of suitable containers to sow the sweet peas into.  Sweet Peas like a good depth to establish their roots into – I’m impressed by my colourful collection!

Please share with us any of your childhood and gardening memories.  I’ll leave you with my home grown video of The (aging) Princess sowing the Pea 🙂   Happy Gardening. Joan.


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